Interested in how your state reps and senators voted?

Interested in how your state reps and senators voted?  The Liberty Alliance publishes a list.  It's HERE.

The Liberty Rating report card is based on pro-liberty and anti-liberty votes and their impact on the State of New Hampshire—actual, recorded floor votes on legislation in the House and Senate. Bills have been carefully selected for inclusion which clearly demonstrate the level of respect our elected representatives show for our individual rights and liberties.

Pro-liberty votes protect individual freedom of choice and personal responsibility, recognize the superiority of freedom over coercion, respect the citizen’s right of self-ownership, promote governance that is transparent, accountable, and adheres to the Constitution, and recognize the value of voluntary economic decisions.

Anti-liberty votes attempt to replace self-governance with interventionist regulation, assume rules made by agencies backed by force are superior to voluntary choices backed by personal accountability, and assume a better economy can be managed by a central authority that compels people and businesses to pay for policies they may not willingly support. 



Here are some links and sites you should check frequently...

New Hampshire Republican Party News

New Hampshire Repubican Party Events

Breitbart News



A well-dressed lie and a naked truth...

One day a man named Truth and a man named Lie stood by a river just outside of town. They were twin brothers. Lie challenged Truth to a race, claiming he could swim across the river faster than Truth. Lie laid out the rules to the challenge stating that they both must remove all their clothes and at the count of 3, dive in to the freezing cold water swim to the other side and back. Lie counted to 3, but when Truth jumped in, Lie did not. As Truth swam across the river, Lie put on Truth’s clothes and walked back in to town dressed as Truth. He proudly paraded around town pretending to be Truth. Truth made it back to shore, but his clothes were gone and he was left naked with only Lie’s clothes to wear. Refusing to dress himself as Lie, Truth walked back to town naked. People stared and glared as naked Truth walked through town. He tried to explain what happened and that he was in fact Truth, but because he was naked and uncomfortable to look at, people mocked and shunned him; refusing to believe he was really Truth. The people in town chose to believe Lie because he was dressed appropriately and easier to look at. From that day until this, people have come to believe a well-dressed lie rather than believe a naked truth. — Unattributed

This is the news and article feed from the site The Babylon Bee The Babylon Bee    Note, The Babylon Bee is a satirical site - don't think these are real!

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