Plymouth (New Hampshire) Area Republicans

Just as there are the three levels of government: federal, state and local, there are the three levels of the Republican Party: National, State, and Local.  We are the local “feet on the ground”.  We, the Plymouth Area Republican Committee (PARC) identifies, encourages, trains and supports the recruitment and election of New Hampshire Conservative Republican candidates for public office.

We are affiliated with the Grafton County Republican Committee which is part of the New Hampshire GOP.


Here are some of the things we’re talking about…


Next PARC meeting is in the works…

PARC just came off a successful fall election season where we saw the Republicans take firm control of the House and the Senate.  Congratulations to all who contributed.  A big shout-out goes to Dave Rivers, PARC President and former president of the Grafton County...

Breaking News From The NH Senate Republicans – Leadership Positions Announced

View in browser Friends, I wanted to share some breaking news with you. I am very proud to announce our NH Senate Republicans leadership team for the coming legislative session! Senator Regina Birdsell will be the new Senate Majority Leader. Sen. Birdsell is a...

Republicans Win Supermajority in NH State Senate

View in browser Friends, Before the election, I predicted that we would win 15 seats. I was wrong -- We won 16! For the first time in over a decade, the Republicans will have a supermajority in our State Senate. This election was a strong endorsement of the work that...

We get results!

What we and the GOP Stand for:

• The rule of law
• Secure borders
• The Constitution (all of it!)
• Non-intrusive government
• Freedom of speech
• Our right to keep and bear arms
• Limited taxation

It all sounds pretty reasonable to you, doesn’t it?  But the democrates don’t think so. They scorn the rule of law and the limits our Constitutions place on government. They see the United States without borders, without freedoms, without prosperity, and without the power to lead the world. Maybe it’s time for you to take a side . . . to take a hand. Join us, your local Republican organization.

In 2022, We also coordinated with the Grafton County Republican Committee supporting their candidates.  For each candidate they provided:

  • 200-yard signs with metal wires, 2 car magnets and 2 vinyl banners.
  • Direct mail consisting of a countywide Voter Guide targeting Republican and Independent households. The voter guide was an 8-page newspaper that that included all Grafton County candidates.
  • A second mail piece was targeted to Independent households only, explaining why they need to vote Republican.
  • Banner and video ads. Ads targeting Independent voter households. The banner and video ads displayed at home and on devices while outside of the home. We advised on messaging to persuade independent voters on why they should vote Republican.
  • Social media ads similar to digital ads, only these ads are only displayed in the Facebook Ad Network which plays to Facebook and Instagram.
  • Political text messaging; best used as a Get Out the Vote (GOTV) tool. GCRC sent two rounds of text messages.

The Plymouth Area Republican Committee Board of Directors has decided to initiate a community outreach program and have selected the Haven Pregnancy Services in Plymouth NH as recipients.  Haven supports our ideals, and we encourage our members to consider supporting them. We will be donating to their 2023 annual fund-raising dinner at the Patron level. As other opportunities arise, we will discuss and decide at future Board meetings if we should donate again and how much. Our maximum annual contribution will not exceed 10% of our average account balance.

Free Pregnancy Test in Plymouth, NH | Haven Pregnancy Services

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If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”


George Washington

Want to be a part?

All concerned conservatives who want to play an active role in keeping New Hampshire away from the Socialists are encouraged to join us.

If you live in one of our designated towns, then you can become a full member.  But even if you don’t you can still be on our mailing list, you just can’t vote.  Here are the towns whose registered voters can become members.

Alexandria, Ashland,Bridgewater, Bristol, Campton, Canaan, Dorchester, Ellsworth, Enfield, Grafton, Groton, Hebron, Holderness, Lincoln, Orange, Plymouth, Rumney, Thornton, Waterville Valley, Wentworth, Woodstock

It doesn’t take a lot to be a part of this movement, just fill out the form below.


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