by Bob Hatcher | Jun 10, 2021 | Beth Folsom, State Rep News
Update: June 9,2021
I am responding after two hard fought days trying to get good pieces of legislation passed. None of us are perfect and I have made my share of freshman mistakes. We lost some key battles due to some extremely weak Republicans. Those are the ones you should be focusing on.
Have you participated in hearings this year? Have you sent notes of encouragement when a legislator votes according to our constitution? Have you started recruiting strong constitutional candidates yet? Are you recruiting, training, and raising funds yet? Have you paid the costs of sending legislators to the ALEC conference? Or Wallbuilders Pro-Family Legislative conference? Here’s an easier one, how about mowing their lawn, splitting wood, or helping them get their gardens planted? We are not all wealthy, young, and healthy but still often give 40 plus hours a week on legislative work for a whopping 100 bucks a year.
Spend some time building up the slightly imperfect legislators or you will loose them and end up with democrats instead.
My final word, PRAY for these hard working legislators. Pray without ceasing!
God bless, Beth
by Bob Hatcher | May 4, 2021 | Issues, News
If you don’t subscribe to Imprimus, from Hillsdale College you are missing an enormous opportunity to keep yourself informed. (To subscribe and read the full editorial, click this link.)
This month’s editorial is on Critical Race Theory, What it is and how to fight it. Here are some excerpts, but I encourage you to read the entire article.
CRT is a descendent of Marxism. Classic Marxism poised the “Haves” (i.e. Capitalists) against the “Have Nots” (i.e. the workers. Since that concept didn’t work in America because of our culture of entrepreneurship, the left subsititued “The Oppressed” for the “Have Not” and the “Oppressors” for the “Haves”. This is the concept of identity politics pitting blacks versus whites, men against women, gays versus straights, etc. By their definition, if you were not part of an oppressed class, you were an oppressor. Here are three examples of how this is being taught in schools:
- In Cupertino, California, an elementary school forced first-graders to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities and rank themselves according to their “power and privilege.”
- in Springfield, Missouri, a middle school forced teachers to locate themselves on an “oppression matrix” based on the idea that straight, white, english-speaking, Christian males are members of the oppressor class and must atone for their privilege and “covert white supremacy”
- In Philadelphia, an elementary school forced fifth graders to celebrate “Black Communism” and simulate a Black Power rally to free 1960s radical Angela Davis from prison.
According to a recent Gallup poll, 77 percent of conservatives are afraid to share their political beliefs publicly. This has to stop. We can’t live in fear. Choose courage. Get engaged.
It’s easy to stop a lone dissenter; it’s much harder to stop 10, 20 or 100 who stand up for American principles. PARC is putting together a team of people who will write letters to politicians and Letters to the Editor of newspapers. To be put on that list, send an email to se*******@pl********************.or.
by Bob Hatcher | Mar 14, 2021 | OldNews
Nearly 50 people attended our first Dessert With Friends last week and we’re pleased to follow it up with an other fantastic session. Our speaker will be Frank Edelblut, the New Hampshire Commissioner of Education. If you want to know what’s going on in your schools, this is a can’t miss event. The progressives are trying hard to rewrite history and are placing unorthodox and unAmerican curriculums in our schools.
The Plymouth Area Republican Committee (PARC) is working hard to build our organization and to help Keep New Hampshire Great. We invite you to our next Dessert With Friends – coffee, decaf, soda, cookies, cakes – on Thursday, March 18 at the Ashland American Legion. (According to the facility policy, masks are optional.)
Frank will speak from 7.00 to 8.00 but come early to register and networking.
PARC Members: $5.00 Non Member: $10.00 Space is limited so RSVP to se*******@pl*********************.org asap. You can join by clicking on the “Become a Member” link above.
Here are just some benefits members receive:
- Full access to our website, including a discussion forum where you can voice your opinion on various topics and have access to exclusive members-only content.
- Discounts to our events.
- Meet & Greet NH legislators and other people of interest
- Comment on, prioritize, and develop legislative initiatives
- Join with like-minded people
- Help finance conservative candidates
Thanks, we look forward to seeing you at all our meetings!
Dave Rivers, PARC Chair
Questions? Send a note to se*******@pl*********************.org
by Bob Hatcher | Mar 12, 2021 | News
In case you missed it, this weekend the Union Leader published an Op-Ed by Senate President Chuck Morse and Senate Majority Leader Jeb Bradley discussing the Republican “Rebuilding a Stronger New Hampshire” 2021 Action Plan!
Read the Op-Ed below and check out our full 2021 Action Plan here!
Thank you,
The NH Senate Republicans
Chuck Morse and Jeb Bradley: Agenda for 2021 is rebuilding a strong NH
Jan 24, 2021
2020 was an incredibly difficult year for all New Hampshire residents. We are blessed to have had so many people from all over our state step up in these challenging times to care for their friends and neighbors, to protect the public health and keep our economy largely open.
Under Governor Chris Sununu’s able and consistent leadership, state government responded to the crisis of the pandemic and will continue to do so. As we prepare for the 2021 legislative session in the Senate, which is now under Republican leadership, we look forward to continuing to work with the governor as well as our Democratic colleagues.
Keeping New Hampshire residents safe and healthy must remain our top priority until the pandemic has abated. We support the governor’s efforts to build a comprehensive testing network, assure supplies of protective gear and hospital capacity and now ramp up distribution of vaccines. We also recognize each of us has a responsibility to protect the health of our neighbors by wearing masks and socially distancing. Lastly we will continue to work with the governor to ensure distribution of federal stimulus funds to hard hit businesses and employees.
While New Hampshire’s unemployment has dropped significantly, many people and businesses are still struggling with financial stress caused by the pandemic. Now is not the time to raise taxes on hard-working men and women. Prior to the pandemic, lower business taxes and workers compensation cost had made our state more competitive. That needs to continue if we are going to get people back to work and grow our economy.
We also need to continue to reduce regulatory burdens and work for lower health care costs through associated health plans to also spur job creation.
We must always remember that New Hampshire’s lack of an income tax, sales tax and capital gains tax has not only protected hard-working taxpayers, it has also led to a better job climate than any state in the Northeast.
Creating a state budget that does not raise taxes while providing the resources to bipartisan priorities such as mental health and substance abuse prevention, child protection and education funding will be a key priority. Another priority will be continued assistance to property taxpayers through aid to municipalities and building upon the new resources in the past budget for education funding. We will further protect property taxpayers by rejecting the reintroduction of donor towns. The strong economy produced record revenues prior to the pandemic and restoring that economy must be a priority.
The pandemic has taught us a lot about education and the way children learn. Remote and hybrid learning has shown that education does not need to exist in a one-size-fits-all schoolhouse. We will give greater opportunities to all New Hampshire children and parents to choose the education that best fits the student. That means support for public charter schools, establishing Education Savings Accounts, providing adequacy funding for home-schooled students, targeted aid for special education students in small school districts, and grants for kindergarten.
New Hampshire is one of the safest states in the country and it is up to us to ensure that we remain that way. Police departments must have the resources they need to protect our communities. Our bail system must not allow repeat offenders to avoid prosecution and now allow release of violent offenders.
Other priorities include funding for clean water projects and wastewater projects, resources for affordable housing and homelessness, broadband deployment and a truly voluntary family leave plan not funded by an income tax.
While New Hampshire has thankfully escaped the controversy of other states’ election problems, we will build upon previous reforms such as voter ID to ensure that everyone with a right to vote in New Hampshire can in fact do so in a transparent and honest manner.
We have an opportunity to bring New Hampshire back from the pandemic in better shape than ever and that’s exactly what we plan to do. We approach this responsibility with humility but look forward to overcoming the challenges ahead and making a positive impact on the lives of Granite Staters.
Sen. Chuck Morse (R-Salem) represents District 22. Sen. Jeb Bradley (R-Wolfeboro) represents District 3.
by Bob Hatcher | Mar 12, 2021 | News
A Republican Action Agenda for ‘21
We need to take the lessons we learned in 2020 and use them to rebuild our state. We have an opportunity to bring New Hampshire back from the pandemic in better shape than ever; with a stronger economy and more opportunities for all Granite Staters and all New Hampshire families.
Read more: