The Plymouth Area Republican Committee (PARC) is working hard to build our organization and to help Keep New Hampshire Great. We invite you to our first Dessert With Friends – coffee, decaf, soda, cookies, cakes – on Thursday, March 18 at the Ashland VFW. (According to the facility policy, masks are optional.)
Frank will speak from 7.00 to 8.00 but come early to register and networking.
PARC Members: $5.00 Non Member: $10.00 Space is limited so RSVP to se*******@pl*********************.org asap. You can join by clicking on the “Become a Member” link above.
Here are just some benefits members receive:
- Full access to our website, including a discussion forum where you can voice your opinion on various topics and have access to exclusive members-only content.
- Discounts to our events.
- Meet & Greet NH legislators and other people of interest
- Comment on, prioritize, and develop legislative initiatives
- Join with like-minded people
- Help finance conservative candidates
Thanks, we look forward to seeing you on March 18!
Dave Rivers, PARC Chair
Questions? Send a note to se*******@pl*********************.org
It was about a year ago that I and Beth Folsom put the final touches on an idea of a replacement meeting for the PBVRC’S famous spaghetti dinners. We were looking for a reasonable alternative to the very popular but extremely labor intensive dinners. We both thought a dessert idea would be a winner. Boy we’re we ever correct. Our first Dessert with Friends (DWF) was an astounding success!
The Ashland American Legion was just the right size to accommodate our close to 40 guests all socially distanced. The email messages managed by our web master Bob Hatcher were very successful. Linda Molinaro our treasurer and Marlene Rivers our secretary welcomed our guests at the sign-in table. They assisted four different people in completing new member applications. Joan and John Randlett worked the room with the 50 – 50 raffle to wonderful heights. Our winners refused their win and our treasury received an nice gift from the Belknap County couple who contributed their winnings right back to our general fund. Thank you. Roy Russell, Holly Willoughby, and others contributed desserts while Kendall Hughes managed the venue, event signage and speaker arrangements. I served as master of ceremonies. It was a PARC team effort!
Our speaker Sherm Packard, NH House Speaker was joined by House Majority leader Jason Osborne. Together they painted quite an optimistic picture for the NH House agenda this year. As a NH taxpayer and homeowner I was very pleased to hear of their progress and their plans. Our surprise speaker was NH State Senator Bob Giuda who also reported that he was very optimistic about New Hampshire’s economy now and over the near term. Good news.
We concluded our meeting on time at just a few minutes before 8:00 as advertised. The surprising thing was that people lingered. You could see the joy on everyone’s face, simply happy to be out and about. Bonus; we were all surrounded by like minded people. So nice.
Our next DWF meeting is scheduled for April 8, 2021, same place, same times:
Thank you very much.
Dave Rivers
Chair Plymouth Area Republican Committee.